A tragic incident unfolded in Jokatte when a 13-year-old girl from Belagavi was found dead with a cloth around her neck in a rental house. The girl had been staying there for the past four days for treatment of a hand injury. The initial investigation suggests murder.
On the morning of Tuesday, August 6, after the household members left for work around 10:30 am, the girl’s mother called a neighbor, asking them to give the phone to her daughter. The neighbor went to the rental house and discovered the girl with a cloth tied around her neck, seemingly murdered. They immediately informed the girl’s mother, who then contacted the girl’s uncle, Hanumanth.
Hanumanth, who has been residing in the Jokatte rental house, had been entrusted with the girl’s care by her mother for her treatment. Upon arrival at the scene, Hanumanth found his niece deceased and promptly notified the police.
A case has been registered at Panambur police station under Crime No. 87/2024, Section 103 BNS. The police have launched a thorough investigation into the matter.
Police Commissioner Anupam Agarwal, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime and Traffic) Dinesh Kumar, officers from the North Sub-Division, and Panambur police officials visited the crime scene to gather evidence and initiate the inquiry.
The circumstances surrounding the girl’s death remain unclear, and the investigation is ongoing to uncover the truth behind this tragic incident.