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Belagavi Faces Monsoon Woes Due to Poor Drainage Maintenance

Belagavi Faces Monsoon Woes Due To Poor Drainage Maintenance

Belagavi city is grappling with severe flooding issues as inadequate maintenance of drains and canals leaves residents vulnerable during heavy rains. The Belagavi City Corporation (BCC) and district administration are struggling to address the recurring problem, turning the monsoon season into a nightmare for both locals and visitors.

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Drainage System Neglect Amidst Election Constraints

Ahead of the monsoon, typically, canals and drains are cleaned to facilitate water flow. However, this year, preparations were hindered by the model code of conduct during the Lok Sabha elections, delaying crucial maintenance efforts.

Urgent Clean-Up Efforts and Response Teams

Following the elections, authorities have now mobilized to clean the canals promptly. Tender processes have been initiated, and teams are actively addressing drainage issues within city limits. Additional measures include deploying HESCOM staff to prevent electrocution risks during flooding.

Community Impact and Environmental Concerns

Residents report widespread flooding, particularly in low-lying areas, damaging homes and disrupting daily life. Improper waste disposal, including plastic, has exacerbated drainage clogging issues, aggravating the situation.

Municipal Efforts and Future Plans

Mayor Savita Kamble has convened meetings with officials and corporators to devise effective solutions under the Smart City project. She has pledged to personally inspect affected areas and ensure swift action to mitigate flooding risks.

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