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Snake Infestation Grips Belagavi District Amid Heavy Monsoon

Snake Infestation Grips Belagavi District Amid Heavy Monsoon

Belagavi district in Karnataka is currently facing a dual challenge of heavy monsoon rains and a significant increase in snake sightings, particularly venomous ones. The surge in snake presence is attributed to the reptiles seeking refuge in populated areas due to the rainy conditions.

Reports indicate numerous instances of poisonous snakes being spotted in homes and religious institutions across Belagavi. Residents like Suresh Sanadi from Sambargi village have encountered these snakes, prompting them to seek assistance from local reptile rescuers such as Vishwa Bamane, who hails from Salagare village in Maharashtra.

Recently, a 6-foot-long cobra was captured in the same area, highlighting the gravity of the situation. Local communities are relying on these rescuers to safely capture and relocate the snakes to nearby forests, such as the Salagara forest in Maharashtra.

Despite the risks involved, including instances where snake catchers themselves have been bitten, the community continues to collaborate with rescuers to manage the escalating issue effectively.

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