A 21-year-old student from REVA University, Bengaluru, was found dead in his paying guest accommodation in Yelahanka on Sunday morning. The deceased, identified as Tanveer, a second-year BSc student originally from Budgam district in Kashmir, was discovered hanging in his room.
A suicide note was recovered by the police, which indicated that no one else was responsible for his death. The authorities have registered an Unnatural Death Report (UDR) and have sent Tanveer’s body for a post-mortem examination. The results are awaited to confirm the cause of death.
This tragic incident adds to a series of recent similar cases in Bengaluru. Last week, a Central Crime Branch (CCB) inspector was found dead in Bidadi, and the decomposed body of a 59-year-old British national was discovered in a Koramangala apartment. Both cases are suspected to be suicides.
Investigations into Tanveer’s death are ongoing, and more details are expected to emerge as the police continue their probe.
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