On Friday, Bengaluru City Police Commissioner B. Dayananda launched the “One Billion Drops” campaign across five police campuses to boost the city’s climate resilience. The initiative aims to build 590 percolation wells this year at locations including the CAR North, Karnataka State Reserved Police 9th Battalion, Centre for Counter-Terrorism, CAR Headquarters, and KSRP 1st Battalion.
This project is a collaborative effort between Mphasis, an IT firm, and United Way Bengaluru, an NGO dedicated to health, education, environmental sustainability, and rural development. The campaign focuses on installing percolation wells to capture rainwater, reduce surface runoff, prevent flooding, and replenish groundwater.
Rajesh Krishnan, CEO of United Way Bengaluru, highlighted the importance of these wells in restoring water resources, maintaining soil moisture, and supporting the city’s green cover. Deepa Nagaraj, Senior Vice President at Mphasis, shared that since 2022, the company has helped create 1,338 percolation wells in Bengaluru, with a goal of adding 1,200 more by 2026 to benefit around 225,000 people.
The “One Billion Drops” campaign not only aims to ensure a greener future but also sets a standard for responsible governance and environmental stewardship.
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