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Impact of Climate Change on Bengaluru’s Street Vendors

Impact Of Climate Change On Bengaluru's Street Vendors An Interview With Lekha Adavi

In the wake of Bengaluru’s record-breaking temperatures and the increasing impact of climate change, the livelihoods of street vendors have come under severe strain. Lekha Adavi, a member of the All India Centre of Trade Unions (AICTU), sheds light on the challenges faced by street vendors and the urgent need for government intervention to mitigate their plight.


Effect of Extreme Weather on Street Vendors

Lekha highlights the detrimental effects of extreme weather conditions on street vendors, particularly during heatwaves. With rising temperatures, vendors struggle to maintain their livelihoods as perishable goods dry up, and health risks escalate. The lack of access to shade, drinking water, and public amenities exacerbates their vulnerability, underscoring the need for government support and protective measures.

Coping Mechanisms and Challenges

To cope with changing weather patterns, street vendors have adjusted their vending timings, operating during cooler hours of the day. However, this shift has impacted their earnings due to reduced footfall. Lekha emphasizes the uniformity of the loss experienced by vendors across different categories, irrespective of the nature of goods sold, highlighting the pervasive impact of climate change on their livelihoods.

Call for Government Action

Lekha urges the government to provide essential support to street vendors, including shelter, access to amenities, and a heat risk allowance. She emphasizes the need for policy interventions to safeguard the economic rights of vendors and mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on their businesses. As street vendors navigate the challenges posed by extreme weather, concerted efforts are essential to ensure their resilience and well-being in the face of environmental adversity.

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