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Inspiring Story of Vishwala Patel: Engineer, Biker, and Social Activist

Inspiring Story Of Vishwala Patel Engineer, Biker, And Social Activist

At just 26 years old, Vishwala C Patel from Bengaluru is not just an engineer but also a passionate biker and the founder of Kavach Trust, an NGO dedicated to community upliftment. Her journey began at RV College of Engineering where she led the National Service Scheme (NSS) Club, igniting her passion for social work.


After graduation, driven by her love for biking and a deep sense of social responsibility, Patel founded Kavach Trust to provide a protective shield (“Kavach” means “shield”) for the underprivileged. Since its inception, Kavach Trust has undertaken numerous projects ranging from education and healthcare initiatives to environmental sustainability efforts.

Under her leadership, Kavach Trust has revitalized rural schools, organized blood donation drives for thalassemia patients, and rejuvenated polluted lakes using natural bio enzymes. Despite balancing a demanding IT career, Patel continues to lead impactful initiatives, demonstrating that dedication and passion can create meaningful change.

Her story not only inspires but also emphasizes the importance of community involvement and social service in shaping a better future.

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