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Karnataka BJP MLC’s Daughter Exposes Alleged Abuse

Cp Yogeshwara'

In a recent development likely to provoke controversy and garner attention from opposition parties, Nisha Yogeshwar, the daughter of Karnataka BJP MLC CP Yogeshwara, has taken to social media to share a series of videos detailing what she describes as her “traumatic” experiences. Allegations include claims of repeated physical abuse from her father whenever she attempted to reach out to him, prompting her to issue a stern warning against further harassment.


In her social media posts, Nisha asserts, “Cease your interference. Should you persist, I will distribute these videos to a place where your reputation will suffer irreparably.” She goes on to express frustration at receiving threats demanding she refrain from using her father’s name publicly, highlighting the pressure she feels to remove her posts. Nisha emphasizes her need to make her voice heard amidst challenging circumstances.

Nisha recounts her father’s departure from their lives when she was just ten years old, allegedly without prior notice, to start a new family. She questions the expectation placed on her to be a model daughter while her father, a public figure, fails to fulfill his responsibilities as a parent. She alleges instances of physical violence against both herself and her mother, despite her mother’s past support for her father during election campaigns.

Furthermore, Nisha accuses her stepbrother of assaulting her and expresses indignation at the mistreatment her family has endured. She describes her father’s refusal to provide financial support, insisting she fend for herself, and recounts his dismissive attitude towards her pleas for assistance. Nisha asserts her determination to speak out against injustice, despite facing backlash for asserting her independence.

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