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Lokayukta Nab Food and Civil Supplies Official for Bribe Demand

Karnataka Lokayukta

Bengaluru: The Deputy Director of the Food and Civil Supplies Department has been nabbed by Lokayukta officials for allegedly demanding a bribe to lift the suspension on a ration distribution shop. Preeti Chandrasekhar was apprehended following a complaint filed by Purushottam V, an owner of a fair price shop.


Purushottam’s license to distribute rations had been suspended, and Preeti demanded a bribe of Rs 70,000 in exchange for lifting the suspension. An initial payment of Rs 50,000 had already been made to her. Purushottam reported the incident to Lokayukta.

Acting on this complaint, authorities registered a case and conducted an operation that resulted in the arrest of Ramesh, an intermediary who was receiving the remaining Rs 20,000. Based on information provided by Ramesh, Preeti Chandrasekhar was taken into custody at Kandaya Bhavan.

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