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NIA Arrests Former Terror Convict in Connection with Bengaluru Cafe Blast

Nia Arrests Former Terror Convict In Connection With Bengaluru Cafe Blast

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has apprehended a former convict in a 2012 terror conspiracy case in connection with the March 1 Rameshwaram Cafe blast in Bengaluru.


Suspect Details:

  • Name: Shoaib Ahmed Mirza
  • Age: 35
  • Background: Former convict released in 2017 after serving five years for involvement in a Lashkar-e-Taiba-linked terror conspiracy in Bengaluru.

Key Findings:

  • Role: Mirza acted as a link between a key suspect arrested for the blast and an overseas handler.
  • Arrest: Mirza was arrested by the NIA on Friday.
  • Accomplices: The blast involved a total of nine individuals, including Mussavir Hussain Shazib, Abdul Matheen Taha, Maaz Muneer Ahmed, and Muzammil Sharief.

Investigation Details:

  • Links Established: Mirza facilitated communication between Taha and an online handler suspected to be abroad.
  • Search Operations: The NIA conducted searches at multiple locations linked to individuals associated with the blast and the 2012 LeT conspiracy case.
  • Ongoing Probe: Investigations continue to uncover the larger conspiracy behind the blast and identify other conspirators involved.

Background Context:

  • Previous Conviction: Mirza was among 13 individuals convicted in the 2012 LeT conspiracy case, where they were accused of plotting to kill right-wing Hindu leaders.
  • Release: Convicts were released in 2017 after completing their five-year prison terms.

This arrest highlights the ongoing efforts to ensure national security and combat terrorism in the region. #NationalSecurity #CounterTerrorism #NIAInvestigation #PublicSafety

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