Karnataka’s Infrastructure Minister M B Patil announced plans to convene a meeting to finalize the location for Bengaluru’s proposed second airport. The decision will hinge on two key factors: passenger demand and connectivity to the existing Kempegowda International Airport (KIA). Areas like Sarjapura and Kanakapura Road are favored for their potential passenger load, while Tumakuru and Dobbaspet are considered for their connectivity advantages.
The current exclusivity agreement with Bangalore International Airport Limited (BIAL), preventing another airport within 150 km until 2032, has spurred the government to initiate planning early to meet the anticipated demand by 2033. Patil emphasized the necessity of accommodating Bengaluru’s burgeoning population and growing industrial sector, which is currently served by KIA, the third busiest airport in India.
The need for a second airport is underscored by projections that KIA’s capacity will be maxed out by 2033, with cargo reaching capacity by 2040. This expansion aims to support not only Bengaluru’s urban growth but also to foster an industrial ecosystem extending beyond the city limits.
The comparison to global cities like New York and London, which have multiple nearby airports, highlights the strategic importance of additional airport infrastructure. Discussions will include the implications of Tamil Nadu’s Hosur airport development on Bengaluru’s aviation landscape.
The recent inauguration of KIA’s Terminal 2 underscores ongoing efforts to expand capacity, with plans to accommodate both international and domestic flights. As stakeholders continue to advocate for a second airport, its establishment is seen as critical for sustaining Bengaluru’s economic momentum and accommodating future growth.