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Women Demand Additional Reserved Coach in Bengaluru Metro

Bengaluru Metro Ride By State Women's Commission Chairperson Dr Nagalaxmi

Bengaluru: Metro trains in Bengaluru now feature a reserved coach for women. However, female passengers are advocating for an additional coach to be reserved during peak hours. Dr. Nagalakshmi Chaudhary, Chairperson of the State Women’s Commission, announced that a letter will be written to the government regarding this matter. The request comes in the wake of recent complaints of sexual assault on women in the metro system.


During peak hours, overcrowding poses challenges for women passengers. Having a separate carriage would address this issue and enhance safety. Dr. Chaudhary emphasized that she will formally communicate this request to the government.

Earlier, Dr. Nagalakshmi Choudhary visited Vijayanagar Metro Station, engaging with officials and women employees to discuss facilities and welfare measures provided by the Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL). She also interacted with women passengers inside the station and on the train, focusing on safety and comfort during their commute to Krishnarajpura metro station.


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