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Chamarajanagar on High Alert for West Nile Virus as Cases Rise in Kerala

Chamarajnagar Awareness

Chamarajanagar: In response to the rising cases of West Nile Virus in neighboring Kerala, the Karnataka Health Department has intensified its vigilance along the state border, particularly in the forest villages of Chamarajanagar district. The department is conducting extensive awareness campaigns to educate residents about the virus and its prevention.


A dedicated team from the Health Department has been visiting households in several border villages, including Maddur, Maddur Colony, Kaggaladahundi, Berambadi, and Beachanahalli, situated in the Gundlupet taluk.

The team is actively monitoring residents for symptoms associated with West Nile Virus and disseminating crucial information about the disease.

West Nile Virus is primarily transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected Culex mosquito. To combat the spread of the virus, health officials are informing villagers about the symptoms to watch for, which include high fever, headache, joint pain, neck stiffness, tremors, convulsions, and muscle weakness. They are urging anyone exhibiting these symptoms to seek medical attention immediately.

The health department staff are emphasizing the importance of precautionary measures to prevent mosquito bites, such as using insect repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants, and ensuring that living areas are free from standing water where mosquitoes breed. By taking these steps, the risk of West Nile infection can be significantly reduced.

Reassuring the public, health officials are stressing that with proper precautions, the disease is preventable and manageable. The proactive measures being taken by the Health Department aim to safeguard the health of residents in these vulnerable areas and prevent the spread of the virus across the state border.

This intensified vigilance and community education effort underscore the commitment of the Karnataka Health Department to protect public health and prevent the outbreak of West Nile Virus in the region.


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