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Panic in BR Hills as Elephant Enters Main Road


Chamarajanagar: Tourists and locals in BR Hills, a popular wildlife destination in the state, faced anxious moments today as an elephant strayed onto the main road near Bungle Podu, IB area. The sudden appearance of the large mammal caused panic among those present.


This is not the first instance of an elephant causing a stir in BR Hills. Reports suggest the same elephant, possibly searching for jackfruit, had earlier forced a bus to reverse on the same road. Its reappearance has instilled fresh fear in the residents.

Meanwhile, in a separate incident, a wild gaur surprised guests at the K. Gudi Jungle Resort. The unexpected arrival startled everyone present, leading to a brief moment of panic before tourists retreated indoors. Sightings of deer, peacocks, and elephants are common in BR Hills, but the sudden appearance of the large mammal caught everyone off guard.

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