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Brave Pet Dogs Save Farmer from Bear Attack in Davanagere


Davanagere: In a heartwarming incident of bravery and loyalty, a farmer’s life was saved by his pet dogs during a terrifying bear attack. The incident took place in Bairanayakanahalli, located in the Jagaluru taluk of Davanagere.


The farmer, identified as Hanumanthappa, was working on his farm when he suddenly found himself confronted by four bears. Startled and defenseless, Hanumanthappa became an easy target for the ferocious animals.

However, fate intervened in the form of his faithful pet dogs who sprang into action upon witnessing their owner’s perilous situation. Barking loudly and fearlessly charging at the bears, they managed to scare them away and ultimately save Hanumanthappa’s life.

Despite sustaining serious injuries from the bear attack, Hanumanthappa was promptly rushed to a nearby hospital where he received immediate medical attention. Miraculously, he survived this harrowing ordeal thanks to the heroic intervention of his loyal companions.

This incident occurred on a farm adjacent to the Durga forest in Rangaiah where there has been an increasing presence of bears. Locals have repeatedly raised concerns about such encounters with wild animals and have called upon authorities at the forest department to establish a bear sanctuary within this area. Their hope is that it will provide a safe habitat for these creatures while also minimizing potential risks faced by residents and farmers alike.

The authorities at Jagaluru police station are currently investigating this incident further while also acknowledging that it serves as another reminder of both the dangers inherent within wildlife-human interactions and the invaluable role pets can play in protecting their owners’ lives.

In light of this remarkable event, it is important for residents living near areas prone to wildlife encounters to exercise caution and remain vigilant at all times. Additionally, efforts must be undertaken by relevant authorities to not only address local concerns but also ensure harmonious coexistence between humans and animals in these regions.

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