In a significant development, a team of eight CBI officers, led by SP Rakesh Ranjan, arrived in Dharwad on Monday to serve notices to witnesses in the Yogeeshgouda Goudar murder case. The investigation, ongoing since 2016, centers on the brutal murder of ZP member Yogeeshgouda Goudar, which occurred at Uday Gym in Saptapur, Dharwad. Former minister and Dharwad Rural MLA Vinay Kulkarni has been implicated as one of the accused and was previously arrested and later released on conditional bail from Hindalga Central Jail. The case is currently awaiting trial in court.
During their visit, the CBI team, accompanied by Special Public Prosecutor Gangadhar Shetty, inspected the crime scene, with SP Rakesh Ranjan briefing Shetty on the specifics of the crime. This visit has sparked speculation that the judicial proceedings will be expedited, potentially leading to a resolution in the case.
Vinay Kulkarni, who was granted bail by the Supreme Court on the condition of staying out of Dharwad district, recently contested and won the 2023 assembly election as a Congress candidate for Dharwad Rural, despite being unable to campaign within his constituency.
The CBI’s active involvement and the renewed focus on the case underscore its significance in local and legal contexts, highlighting ongoing efforts to bring justice to the victim’s family and resolve a long-standing legal matter.