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NWKRTC Driver Suspended For Driving Bus With Umbrella

Nwkrtc Bus Driver

Dharwad: The North Western Karnataka Road Transport officials have suspended a bus driver for recklessly driving a bus while holding an umbrella in one hand and the steering wheel in the other during a rainstorm.


Hanumanthappa A Killedar, was the driver who has been suspended. This act of negligence has raised significant safety concerns and led to immediate action by the NWKRTC management.

His video had gone viral, he was holding an umbrella with one hand, many politicians including BJP leader Basangouda Patil, mocked the government by sharing the video claiming that how the government buses lack maintenance and he claimed that roof of the bus was leaking and the driver forced to hold the umbrella.

However, NWKRTC officials claimed that the roof of the bus was not leaking, the conductor of the bus shot the video, both shot for the purpose fun and there were no passengers when the video was shot. This incident happened on May 23, and the bus was going to Dharwad from Betageri,

NWKRTC Managing Director Priyanga M. confirmed the suspension and announced that two staff, Killedar and conductor Anita H.B., have been suspended in connection with the incident. The suspensions were enforced as part of an ongoing investigation to address the lapse in safety protocols and ensure accountability within the organization.

The incident came to light when a video showing Hanumanthappa driving the bus in such a dangerous manner went viral on social media. Public outcry over the blatant disregard for passenger safety prompted swift action from the NWKRTC management. The video footage clearly depicted Hanumanthappa using an umbrella to shield himself from the rain, compromising his ability to steer the vehicle safely.

Managing Director Priyanka M. expressed deep concern over the incident, stating, “Such behavior is unacceptable and endangers the lives of passengers and other road users. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any actions that compromise safety. Immediate measures have been taken to address this serious violation.”

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