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Rescue and Rehabilitation of Veeru: A Royal Bengal Tiger Cub’s Journey

Rescue And Rehabilitation Of Veeru A Royal Bengal Tiger Cub's Journey

When Veeru was rescued from a house near Kali Tiger Reserve in Dandeli taluk on April 27, villagers feared for his survival. The three-month-old cub had gone without food for 10 days after being separated from his mother, facing imminent danger. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of rescuer Rahul Bhavji, KTR officials, and Gadag zoo authorities, Veeru began his journey to recovery.

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Rehabilitation Efforts and Progress

Under the care of zookeeper Chandru, Veeru regained his strength and weight, maintaining his natural ferocity. Efforts are being made to limit human interaction to preserve his wild instincts, although reintroduction into the wild seems unlikely due to his dependency on human care.

Health and Future Plans

Gadag Range Forest Officer Sneha Koppal reported that Veeru arrived at the zoo in a fragile state but has since gained 10 kg, now weighing a healthy 23 kg. Plans include moving him to a new enclosure, pending permission from the central zoo authority of India.

Controversies and Theories

There are speculations about how Veeru got separated from his mother, ranging from maternal abandonment due to prey scarcity to the possibility of the mother’s demise. Wildlife experts differ on theories, with concerns over the cub’s long-term survival in the wild.

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