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Sankeshwar Printing Press: 80 Years of Printing Legacy in Gadag

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In the heart of Gadag, Karnataka, stands a printing press that has not only stood the test of time but has also evolved with the changing tides of technology and customer needs. Sankeshwar Printing Press, founded by the Late Sri BG Sankeshwar, celebrates its 80th year in 2024, a testament to its commitment to quality and innovation in the field of printing. In an exclusive interview with Basavanneppa Sankeshwar, the current custodian of the printing legacy, we delve into the journey of Sankeshwar Printing Press and its significant contributions to the print industry.

A Print Legacy Spanning Generations

The journey of Sankeshwar Printing Press began in 1940, when the Late Sri BG Sankeshwar opened a book stall named Saraswati Pustaka Bhandar in Gadag. Over the years, the business expanded under the guidance of his sons, branching out into publication and commercial printing. Today, led by the third generation, Sankeshwar Printing Press continues to uphold its founder’s vision of providing quality books at affordable prices to every corner of the state.

Diversification and Innovation

Unlike other printing presses in Gadag that primarily focus on commercial printing, Sankeshwar Printers has carved a niche for itself by offering comprehensive solutions, including commercial offset and digital printing, alongside publication services. Basavanneppa Sankeshwar emphasizes the company’s commitment to meeting customer demands and adapting to changing market conditions. With a keen focus on customer-oriented services, employee welfare, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility, Sankeshwar Printing Press has become synonymous with reliability and quality.

Investments in Technology

A key driver of Sankeshwar Printing Press’s success has been its strategic investments in state-of-the-art technology. Recent acquisitions include the Kodak CTP, Komori Lithrone GL 437 printing press, and Bindwel@2500 perfect binding machine. These investments were fueled by the company’s vision to produce high-quality books in color, expand its publication offerings, and venture into commercial printing. The decision to invest in brand-new machinery stemmed from past challenges with reliability and downtime faced with local and used machines.

Adoption of Eco-Friendly Practices

In line with its commitment to sustainability, Sankeshwar Printing Press has embraced eco-friendly practices in its operations. The adoption of process-less green plates and UV inks not only reduces chemical usage but also aligns with global environmental standards. By staying ahead of the curve in technology adoption and sustainability practices, Sankeshwar Printing Press sets a benchmark for the print industry in Gadag and beyond.

Community Engagement and Collaboration

Beyond its business operations, Sankeshwar Printing Press actively engages with the local printing community to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing. The establishment of a printing cluster in Gadag aims to uplift small printers by providing access to advanced machinery and expertise. Through initiatives like Mudrana Kashi Gadag, the company seeks to preserve the rich printing heritage of the region and propel it into the digital age.

Looking to the Future

As the print industry undergoes rapid transformation in the digital age, Sankeshwar Printing Press remains resilient, adapting to new trends and customer preferences. Basavanneppa Sankeshwar envisions a future where print continues to play a vital role in education, entertainment, and packaging. By embracing innovation, sustainability, and customer-centricity, Sankeshwar Printing Press is poised to lead the way forward for the print industry in India.


In an era marked by digital disruption, Sankeshwar Printing Press stands as a beacon of tradition, innovation, and excellence in the print industry. With 80 years of rich history behind it, the company continues to set new standards in quality, technology, and customer service. As it embarks on the next phase of its journey, Sankeshwar Printing Press remains committed to its founding principles while embracing the opportunities of the digital age.

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