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Deputy Superintendent Reports Substantial Loss from Bank Account Hacking

Deputy Superintendent Of Police Reports Substantial Loss From Bank Account Hacking

PK Muralidhar, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DySP) of the Hassan sub-division, has fallen victim to a significant financial loss due to alleged hacking of his bank accounts. Muralidhar discovered the loss amounting to nearly Rs 16 lakh when checking his phone messages on Monday.


Details of the Financial Loss

Reports indicate that miscreants targeted Muralidhar’s accounts in the Madikeri and Bhagamandala branches of Canara Bank. From his Madikeri branch account, Rs 12.1 lakh was siphoned off through 25 unauthorized transactions. Additionally, nearly Rs 3.9 lakh was illicitly withdrawn from his account at the Bhagamandala branch.

Legal Action and Investigation

In response to the fraudulent activity, the senior officer promptly filed a complaint with the CEN Police in Hassan city, seeking an investigation into the matter.

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