Over 4,000 resident doctors in Karnataka are set to strike starting Monday, demanding an increase in their stipends, which have not been revised in nearly five years. The current stipend is approximately 50% lower than that of their counterparts in other states, despite Karnataka’s medical course fees being among the highest in India. The planned strike will involve 4,200 postgraduates, 2,500 interns, and 70 superspecialty residents across government hospitals and medical colleges.
Dr. Sirish Shivaramaiah, president of the Karnataka Association of Resident Doctors (KARD), emphasized the harsh working conditions. Resident doctors often work 36 to 48 hours continuously, yet their stipends remain low. Currently, first-year postgraduate residents receive Rs 45,000, second-year residents get Rs 50,000, and third-year residents earn Rs 55,000. Superspecialty residents receive Rs 55,000 to Rs 65,000.
Dr. Shivaramaiah, a resident doctor at Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, described his demanding schedule, noting that on duty days he barely has time to go home or freshen up, working 80-90 hours per week. A silent protest was initiated on August 5, with doctors wearing black bands to highlight their plight. Despite efforts to address their concerns with medical education officials and the minister, no action has been taken to revise the stipends.
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