Mandya: Early Sunday morning, a notorious rowdy-sheeter known as Mutturaju alias Dakka, 27, sustained bullet wounds after being shot by police in Chikkamulagudu village, Malavalli taluk. Mutturaju, who is implicated in 11 criminal cases including three murders, is currently receiving treatment at Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences (MIMS).
The incident occurred around 5:15 a.m. when Halaguru circle inspector Sridhar BS was forced to open fire with his service revolver. The police had been waiting for Mutturaju’s arrival in his village, having received intelligence about his return. Upon his arrival on a motorcycle, the police intercepted him with the intention of making an arrest.
Despite being ordered to surrender, Mutturaju attacked the officers with a knife. After firing warning shots failed to deter him, Inspector Sridhar took the drastic measure of shooting Mutturaju in the leg to prevent further violence. Mutturaju, a known criminal with a history of violent offenses including three murders, three attempted murders, and extortion, is now under medical care at MIMS.
The confrontation highlights ongoing issues with violent crime and the challenges faced by law enforcement in managing dangerous individuals. The police are continuing their investigation into the incident.
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