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Airport Stakeholders Unite to Reunite Disturbed Woman with Family

New Project 2024 05 17t085401.253

In a heartwarming display of unity and purpose, stakeholders at Mangaluru International Airport joined forces to ensure the safe return of a distressed woman to her family on the evening of May 14.


Unified Efforts

The collaborative efforts of security supervisors and staff, customer service representatives, guest relations executives, and personnel from the Airport Security Group of CISF, alongside the duty terminal manager and a security department executive, exemplified a coordinated response to the situation. Local law enforcement agencies were also involved in the effort to ensure a positive resolution.

The Woman’s Journey

The woman, reportedly from the Kadri area of the city, arrived at the airport via an autorickshaw, seemingly disoriented. Meanwhile, her family had filed a missing persons report with the Mangaluru East police station. Sensing her distress, airport security personnel provided support and monitored her actions.

Coordinated Assistance

Upon being alerted to the situation by the duty terminal manager, customer service, and guest relations executives, along with a CISF woman officer, extended support to the woman, offering her water and refreshments while keeping her company.

Collaboration with Authorities

Personnel from Bajpe and Mangaluru East police stations were informed of the woman’s presence at the airport. With their assistance, the woman’s relatives were located and granted permission to bring her home safely.

A Testament to Compassion

The incident underscores the commitment of all airport stakeholders to not only passengers but also visitors in distress. Their compassion and care ensured the woman’s swift reunion with her family, alleviating the anxious moments they experienced during her brief absence.

The collective efforts of airport personnel and law enforcement agencies reflect the community spirit and dedication to ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals within their jurisdiction.

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