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Bus Driver and Conductor Return Lost Gold Chain in Udupi

Bus Driver And Conductor Return Lost Gold Chain In Udupi

Udupi, June 20: In a heartwarming display of humanity, the driver and conductor of an APM bus in Udupi exhibited exceptional honesty by ensuring the safe return of a lost gold chain to its rightful owner.


The incident unfolded on a Thursday morning when a passenger, traveling from Brahmavar to Kundapura, realized she had misplaced her gold chain while on the bus. Distressed by the loss, she informed Girish Kundapura, the bus agent responsible for that route. Concerned and eager to help, Girish took immediate action.

“The girl seemed worried, and after confirming she had lost her gold chain, I contacted the APM bus driver,” recalled Girish Kundapura. He continued, “When the bus passed through the same route in the afternoon, the girl’s relatives were able to collect the gold chain from us.”

The driver and conductor of the APM bus, upon discovering the lost item, took special care to secure it until it could be returned. Their diligence ensured that the gold chain was safely reunited with its owner, exemplifying integrity and community spirit.

This act of kindness has resonated deeply within the local community, highlighting the importance of honesty and compassion in everyday interactions. It underscores the positive impact of individuals going above and beyond their regular duties to assist others in need.

Such stories serve as reminders of the inherent goodness present in society and inspire others to emulate similar acts of kindness and responsibility. The bus driver, conductor, and agent involved have set a commendable example of ethical behavior, fostering trust and goodwill among passengers and the wider community in Udupi.

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