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Car Hits Electricity Pole Avoiding Collision Near Kulkunda, Pilgrims Safe

Car Hits Electricity Pole Avoiding Collision Near Kulkunda, Pilgrims Safe

Sullia, Jun 17: A vehicle carrying pilgrims from Bengaluru was damaged when it collided with an electricity pole near the forest office at Kulkunda on the Subramanya-Kadaba state highway on Sunday. The incident occurred as the driver attempted to avoid a collision with an oncoming vehicle. The pilgrims were en route to the Kukke temple after visiting Dharmasthala.


The impact of the collision was severe enough to sever the electricity pole, causing significant damage. Fortunately, all passengers in the car escaped unscathed. The site of the accident was marked by a signboard bearing the cautionary message “Urgency is the cause of accidents” (Avasarave Apaghatakke Kaarana). Ironically, the car also struck this signboard, breaking it in the process.

The accident highlights the need for increased caution and adherence to road safety guidelines, especially on busy pilgrimage routes. Local authorities are expected to repair the damaged pole and signboard promptly to restore safety and order in the area.

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