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Congress Chief Whip Saleem Ahmed Forecasts Victory in MLC Elections

Saleem Ahmed

Mangaluru: MLC, Congress party chief whip in the Legislative Council, Saleem Ahmed, expressed optimism regarding the party’s prospects in the upcoming MLC elections for six graduates’ and teachers’ constituencies in Karnataka, scheduled for June 3.


He said that the BJP’s hold on the youth and educators is waning, citing dissatisfaction and a desire for change among them. Ahmed highlighted the Congress’s recent gains, including Ayanur Manjunath’s defection to the party after resigning from his position representing the graduates’ constituency.

Underlining the state government’s commitment to fulfilling its promises and implementing welfare schemes for educators, Ahmed emphasized the Congress’s inclusive governance approach, encapsulated in the principle of ‘Sarvarigu Samabalu Sarvarigu Samapalu’ (Equal living, equal share for all). He touted the national recognition of the Congress-led state’s five guarantee schemes.

In response to the BJP’s criticism of the law and order situation, particularly citing incidents in Udupi, Ahmed defended the government’s actions, citing arrests made and investigation is going on.


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