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Delays and Structural Issues Plague Mangaluru DC Office Buildings

Delays And Structural Issues Plague Mangaluru Dc Office Buildings

Mangaluru, Jun 15: Water is leaking from various parts of the DC office building at State Bank Circle. The new DC office building, nearing completion, is currently unusable due to poor workmanship.


Staff at the DC office report that many rooms experience water leakage during heavy rains, and some walls have developed cracks. Repairs to the old building are not being undertaken as the office is slated to move to a new building in Padil.

Construction of the new office building began in 2014, with Rs 55 crore already spent and an additional Rs 32 crore needed to complete it. Work has currently stopped, leaving the partially constructed building prone to flooding during the monsoon, with overgrown thorns and algae-covered walls. Delays in completing the work could weaken the building.

An official mentioned that discussions are ongoing to complete at least one floor under the Smart City grant, allowing for a partial shift from the State Bank location. The first stage of the new DC office was completed in 2021, but the second phase is delayed due to funding shortages. The Revenue Minister, who visited in August 2023, assured grant support, but progress has been minimal.

Deputy commissioner (DC) Mullai Mugilan stated, “Attempts are underway to complete the new building and move the offices from the old building to the new facility. The work has been delayed due to the Lok Sabha elections.”



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