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Environmentalist Leads Mangrove Plantation Drive in Mangaluru and Udupi

Environmentalist Leads Massive Mangrove Plantation Drive In Mangaluru And Udupi

A team of 10 members, led by environmentalist Jeeth Milan Roche of Vana Charitable Trust, embarked on a mission to plant mangrove pods along the riverbanks near Nethravathi in Mangaluru, as well as in Pangala River near Udyavar and Kadekar and Swarna River near Havanje in Udupi district. Over 14 days, the team successfully planted 45,500 mangrove pods. Roche told TOI that the inspiration for the initiative came from an article highlighting the critical role of mangroves.

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These ecosystems are known for improving water quality by filtering out nutrients and sediments. Research indicates that more than 1,500 plant and animal species, including various fish and bird species, rely on mangroves, which serve as nurseries in the shallow waters beneath their canopies. Moreover, mangroves are crucial in combating climate change through carbon sequestration, being some of the most carbon-rich ecosystems on the planet.

Planting mangrove pods presents unique challenges compared to regular tree plantation drives. Roche explained, “Planting must be carried out during low tide, restricting the activity to early morning hours between 4 am and 9:30 am. It was a first-time experience, and the shallow water added to the risk. With my son Ethan, 22, and his friends, who volunteered during the mission, it was accomplished despite the difficulties. The biggest challenge was dealing with broken bottles and other debris littering the area, which left many of us with cuts and bleeding.”

The pods, procured from Kota in Kundapur, are available only between April and June and cost about Rs 2 each. However, including transportation and labor, the total cost for each mangrove pod is around Rs 8-10. These pods need to be planted within three days of procurement. “Although we hoped to secure sponsors for the drive, it is currently self-funded, with support from Vijay Moras of CFAL. We completed the task on Wednesday, finding immense joy in our achievement amidst nature,” he said.

Roche emphasized the need to educate fishermen on the importance of preserving mangroves, especially as they face declining fish catch, urging them to act as guardians of mangroves. He also called on the forest department to prioritize mangrove plantations. Highlighting the significance of mangroves, he cited an instance where the National Green Tribunal imposed a fine of Rs 25 crore on a company for damaging mudflats and mangroves in Raigad in 2015. “This drive serves as an inspiration, and I am setting an ambitious target of planting 1 to 2 lakh mangrove pods annually,” he said.

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