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Flooding Concerns in Jappinamogaru, Mangalore Prompt Calls for Action

Flooding Concerns In Jappinamogaru, Mangalore Prompt Calls For Action

Mangalore, June 26, 2024: Heavy rains since last night have caused inundation in low-lying areas of the Jappinamogaru region, with reports of water entering homes near Dompadabali fields.

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Previously paddy fields, these areas have been converted into layouts with a concretized main road. Locals allege that inadequate drainage systems are causing the flooding issues.

Despite prior notifications to city corporation officials yielding no response, residents organized by the Tulu Nadu Rakshana Vedike planned a protest meeting. Municipal council member Veena Mangala visited the site, urging officials to act promptly. Following assurances from municipal engineers and the council member to address drainage issues, the protest meeting was called off.

Addressing Drainage Concerns

Municipal officials proposed cutting the concrete road to facilitate drainage, despite potential inconvenience to commuters between Jappinamogaru and Bajal. Corporator Veena Mangala assured the public that a solution would be implemented within 15 days with community cooperation.

Calls for Proper Planning

Residents stressed that proactive planning, including adequate drainage during initial road construction, could have prevented the current situation. Yogesh Shetty Jappinamogaru, president of Tulu Nadu Rakshana Vedike, emphasized the need for officials to take preemptive measures ahead of future rainy seasons.


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