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Gang of Eight Robs Civil Contractor’s Home, Leaves Owner Injured

Mangaluru Robbery

Mangaluru: A brazen robbery at a house in the outskirts of Mangaluru has left the local community on edge. Civil contractor and businessman Padmanabh Kotiyan fell victim to a violent robbery at his residence in Permankila on Saturday.


According to police reports, a gang of eight masked criminals arrived at Kotiyan’s home in an Innova car. The assailants, who witnesses say were speaking Hindi, forced their way into the house armed with knives.

In a terrifying ordeal for the family, the robbers threatened Kotiyan and his family members at knifepoint. The situation escalated when Kotiyan was stabbed in the shoulder during the confrontation. His wife was reportedly tied up as the criminals ransacked the house.

The gang made off with an undisclosed amount of cash and gold jewelry before fleeing the scene. Kotiyan, injured in the attack, has been admitted to a local hospital for treatment. His condition is reported to be stable.

Senior police officials quickly arrived at the scene and conducted a thorough investigation.

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