The Mangaluru City Police have announced the deployment of the IDEA Forge Drone Q6, a state-of-the-art drone system acquired through Mangalore Smart City Corporation Limited. Under the guidance of city police commissioner Anupam Agarwal, this advanced technology aims to enhance the city’s law enforcement capabilities, particularly in traffic management, crowd control during protests, and overseeing city-wide celebrations.
The new drone was officially handed over on Tuesday in the presence of representatives from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), following all necessary regulations and procedures. To ensure its effective use, seven officers from the Mangaluru City Police have been trained and certified as drone pilots. Commissioner Agarwal emphasized that the integration of the IDEA Forge Drone Q6 will significantly strengthen their efforts to maintain public safety and security across the city.
“This addition will significantly bolster our efforts to ensure the safety and security of all citizens,” the police commissioner stated, highlighting the transformative impact of this new tool.
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