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NITK Proposes Rs 280 Crore Seawall Project to Curb Erosion in DK

Sea Erosion

Mangaluru: The monsoon rains in Dakshina Kannada district bring not just welcome relief but also a surge in coastal erosion. To combat this growing threat, a special meeting led by Speaker UT Khader explored a promising solution proposed by the National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK).

The meeting was convened due to the alarming rise in erosion witnessed in areas like Someshwara, Bettampade, and Sasihitlu. Every monsoon season, the relentless sea threatens homes, infrastructure, and the very way of life for coastal residents. The problem has worsened over the years, engulfing roads, buildings, and posing a constant danger.

Recognizing the urgency, the government is looking towards a permanent solution. NITK has stepped forward with a proposal for a seawall, estimated to cost Rs 280 crore. This concrete barrier aims to shield the coastline from the erosive forces of the Arabian Sea.

“We have had detailed discussions with the district in-charge minister,” said Speaker Khader. “NITK’s seawall plan holds immense promise, and we are committed to expediting the process. A swift report will be submitted to the government, urging the allocation of necessary funds to bring this project to life.”

The meeting also highlighted the need for immediate action. The Deputy Commissioner has been directed to take temporary measures and allocate funds to address the situation while the long-term seawall solution is pursued.


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