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Southwest Monsoon Expected to Weaken Upon Entry into Kerala

Southwest Monsoon Expected To Weaken Upon Entry Into Kerala

Weather experts anticipate a weakening of the southwest monsoon as it approaches Kerala in the coming days, attributed to the potential formation of a low-pressure system over the Bay of Bengal.


Factors Influencing Monsoon Dynamics

Initial predictions suggested an early onset of the monsoon due to the El Niño effect. However, the emergence of low-pressure zones, fueled by heavy pre-monsoon rains, is likely to delay and weaken the monsoon’s arrival.

Impact on Rainfall Patterns

The formation of a low-pressure system over the Bay of Bengal, possibly evolving into a cyclone, could further influence the monsoon’s trajectory. The speed and direction of this system will dictate the pace of the monsoon’s progression, potentially affecting rainfall patterns across the region.

Implications for Pre-Monsoon Rainfall and Monsoon Season

Pre-monsoon rainfall has been below average this year, with deficits recorded in Karnataka and coastal regions. However, expectations remain high for heavy monsoon rains to compensate for the shortfall.

Outlook for Monsoon Season

Despite initial uncertainties, senior IMD scientist Madhusudhan predicts an overall increase in rainfall during the monsoon season, offering hope for agricultural activities and water resources across India.


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