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Tragic Collision Claims Lives on Shiradi Ghat

Tragic Collision Claims Lives On Shiradi Ghat

In a devastating incident on Shiradi Ghat, a collision between an Innova car and a container truck has resulted in the loss of lives and severe injuries. The accident, which occurred within the jurisdiction of the Sakleshpur rural police station, claimed the lives of Mohammed Shafiq (20) and his mother Safiya (50).


Details of the Incident:

The collision occurred as the car, carrying the family from Panemangaluru Bondala, was navigating the Shiradi Ghat towards Kempuhole. Tragically, a container truck coming from the opposite direction collided with their vehicle, leading to the fatal outcome.

Victims and Circumstances:

Shafiq, who was driving the car, was a student at P A Engineering College in Konaje. Alongside him and his mother, three children also sustained serious injuries in the accident. The family was returning from a relative’s wedding reception in Bengaluru when the tragedy struck.

Family Statement:

A family member recounted the events, highlighting how the joyous occasion of a wedding celebration quickly turned into a nightmare. The accident occurred as the family was heading back to Mangaluru from Bengaluru after attending the reception.

Aftermath and Treatment:

While the mortal remains of Shafiq and Safiya were shifted to a private hospital in Mangaluru, the injured children are undergoing treatment at another medical facility in the city. The community mourns the loss of lives and extends support to the affected family during this difficult time.

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