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Tragic Incident Exposes Lack of Safety Measures by MCC

Negligence By Mangaluru City Corporation Leads To Tragic Auto Rickshaw Accident

A case has been registered at Urwa police station against officials of the Mangaluru City Municipal Corporation (MCC) following the tragic death of auto-rickshaw driver Deepak Acharya. Deepak fell into a stormwater drain and drowned while driving his auto-rickshaw near Kottara. The incident, which occurred amid heavy rainfall, was attributed to MCC’s alleged negligence in constructing proper safety measures.


Deepak’s sister, Hema, accused the MCC of causing her brother’s death by failing to construct a proper wall beside the drain. She highlighted the lack of safety measures at the site, including the absence of warning signs or barricades. Hema expressed profound grief over the loss of her brother, emphasizing his role as the family’s breadwinner.

In response to the incident, MCC officials have taken temporary measures by taping off the area near Kottara Chowki and covering the drain. However, concerns persist regarding the overall safety standards of such infrastructure in the city.

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