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Udupi SSLC Students to Receive Lessons via Email in Unique Initiative

Udupi Sslc Students To Receive Lessons Via Email In Unique Educational Initiative

UDUPI: In a groundbreaking initiative, SSLC students in Udupi district will now receive their lessons via email, supplementing their usual classes. Launched by the Department of School Education and Literacy, this initiative aims to ensure continuity of education beyond class hours and on holidays. The program is designed to help Udupi district maintain its top position in SSLC rankings for the academic year 2024-25.


Sources from the department revealed that this initiative was driven by the needs of introverted students who may hesitate to ask questions in class. Subject experts from various schools were selected by block education officers (BEOs), and their video lessons were recorded at the District Resource Centre near the DC’s office in Rajathadri, Manipal. These videos will be emailed to students, allowing them to review and understand the material at their own pace.

Dr. Ashok Kamath, vice-principal of the District Institution of Education and Training, Udupi, stated, “Videos of each chapter in all core subjects and languages are being prepared. Udupi Zilla Panchayat CEO Prateek Bayal has supported this plan, which will significantly enhance students’ learning abilities.”

DDPI K Ganapathy emphasized that emailed lessons provide a flexible and comprehensive alternative mode of learning. This system also benefits students who miss classes due to health issues, enabling them to catch up by watching the videos.

Parents have expressed strong support for the initiative. Tharanath, a parent, highlighted the convenience, noting that his daughter can access study material anytime and anywhere. He added, “The government should continue to develop innovative ideas suited for modern education.”

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