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Minister Khandre Clarifies Andhra Pradesh’s Request for Dasara Elephants

Eshwar Khandre

Mysuru: Forest, Environment, and Ecology Minister Eshwara Khandre has clarified on the alleged proposal from neighboring Andhra Pradesh requesting elephants from Karnataka. He specified that they sought the state’s elephants, not specifically the Dasara elephants. “The elephants that participate in the Dasara festival celebrations in Mysuru are a matter of pride for us. We will not send those elephants. However, the department will consider the proposal to send other elephants to Andhra Pradesh,” he stated.


The minister also mentioned that he has requested a report on the deaths of elephants due to electrocution and emphasized that such incidents should not occur in the future. Addressing rumors about actor Darshan, who is accused in a murder case, being an ambassador for the forest department, the minister clarified that there is no such ambassador for the department.

Regarding the construction of a ropeway to the famous Chamundi Hill, he assured that there is no need for concern about the project, as development and environmental protection should proceed hand in hand.

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