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Mysuru Zoo Launches New Initiatives to Enhance Visitor Experience

Mysuru Zoo Launches New Initiatives To Enhance Visitor Experience And Animal Care

Mysuru: The century-old Mysuru Zoo, a major tourist destination in South India, has introduced a slew of new initiatives aimed at enhancing the visitor experience and improving animal care. Forest Minister Eshwar Khandre inaugurated the new projects on Saturday in the presence of senior Forest Department officials and representatives from the Zoo Authority of Karnataka.


One of the key initiatives is the introduction of a WhatsApp-based ticketing system. Visitors can now purchase entry tickets by sending a message to the zoo’s WhatsApp number (9686668818), thereby avoiding long queues. This innovative system guides visitors through the ticket purchasing process, saving time and ensuring a smoother experience.

During his visit, Minister Khandre also named the newly born male giraffe calf “Daksha”. The calf, born to Bharat and Lakshmi, joins the zoo’s collection of three male and five female giraffes. Mysuru Zoo has been a leader in captive breeding and has previously exchanged giraffes with various national and international zoos.

The zoo’s popular animal adoption scheme, first launched in 2001, has been expanded to offer more flexibility. Visitors can now adopt animals for durations as short as a day, a month, or six months, in addition to the existing one-year option. This revised scheme allows for greater participation and brings additional revenue to the zoo. Certificates of appreciation are provided to those who adopt animals.

In a significant step towards better animal care, a new wildlife ambulance was flagged off by the Minister. Costing ₹11.73 lakh, the ambulance will be used to treat the zoo’s 145 species of animals and birds. Additionally, a surgical unit was inaugurated at the veterinary hospital at the Chamundi Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre in Koorgalli. This center cares for captured, injured, and rescued animals, including tigers, leopards, and sloth bears.

As part of a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative, Karnataka Soaps and Detergents Limited donated a multi-utility vehicle valued at ₹8.62 lakh to the zoo. This vehicle will support daily activities at both the Chamundi Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre and the Mysuru Zoo.

Lastly, the live-feed unit at the zoo has been expanded to better supply feed like rabbits and rats to snakes, ensuring a more efficient feeding process.

These new initiatives underscore Mysuru Zoo’s commitment to improving both visitor experience and animal welfare.

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