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NCERT Director Addresses NEET Fiasco and Other Controversies

Ncert Director Addresses Neet Fiasco And Other Controversies

NCERT director Dinesh Prasad Saklani clarified that the autonomous organization is not responsible for the NEET UG 2024 grace marks fiasco. Speaking at the Regional Institute of Education in Mysuru, he stated, “NCERT is in no way responsible for the grace marks fiasco in NEET UG 2024. NCERT uploaded the final textbooks on its website in 2020, and there is no confusion about it.”

He also refuted allegations that the word ‘India’ was being replaced with ‘Bharat’ in NCERT textbooks. This statement follows accusations from Congress that NCERT is affiliated with RSS and undermining the Constitution. Saklani declined to comment on the Congress’ remarks.

Regarding the Karnataka government’s decision to scrap the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, Saklani noted that the State Education Policy can be compared once it is ready. Additionally, he announced that Karnataka governor Thaawar Chand Gehlot will inaugurate a 3-day National Yoga Olympiad on Tuesday at KSOU convocation hall in Mysuru. The theme for this year’s yoga olympiad is ‘Yoga for Self, and Society.’


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