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Fire Ravages Gandhi Bazaar Cloth Market in Shivamogga

Fire Ravages Gandhi Bazaar Cloth Market In Shivamogga

Late Monday night, a devastating fire erupted in Shivamogga’s Gandhi Bazaar cloth market, resulting in extensive damage to more than eight shops located behind the Basaveshwara temple. The blaze quickly engulfed the shops, causing destruction to the goods and materials stored within.

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As a precautionary measure, electricity supply to the cloth market was temporarily cut off following the incident. Officials, led by Corporation Commissioner Dr. Kavitha Yogappanavar, promptly visited the site to assess the aftermath of the fire and initiate necessary inspections.

The exact cause of the fire is yet to be determined, and investigations are currently underway to ascertain the circumstances that led to the outbreak. Meanwhile, efforts are focused on evaluating the extent of the damage incurred by the affected shops and their proprietors.

Local authorities are coordinating efforts to support the affected business owners and ensure safety measures are in place to prevent such incidents in the future. The community and officials alike are rallying to assist those impacted by this unfortunate event.


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