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Efforts Underway to Improve Mobile Connectivity in Paduthonse Village

Efforts Underway To Improve Mobile Connectivity In Paduthonse Village

In response to persistent mobile connectivity issues faced by residents in various parts of Paduthonse village, a proactive approach has been taken to address the problem. A collaborative effort, spearheaded by the village leaders and supported by the local panchayat, is underway to find a viable solution.


Key Developments:

1. Formation of Temporary Committee:

  • A meeting was convened at the Kemmannu panchayat hall, where concerned villagers gathered to discuss the mobile network issues.
  • During the meeting, a temporary committee was established to explore potential solutions and strategies to tackle the connectivity challenges.

2. Negotiation with Landowners:

  • Efforts were made to engage with the landowners where the current mobile tower is situated. Despite initial resistance, the landowners agreed to allow the tower to operate temporarily, provided it is relocated within a few months.
  • The committee, in collaboration with the panchayat, accepted the responsibility of dismantling and relocating the tower as per the landowners’ stipulation.

3. Identification of New Location:

  • Recognizing the need for a new mobile tower, the committee resolved to identify a suitable site for its installation.
  • Damodar Jattan, Saukur Ashfaq, and other panchayat members from the affected wards were enlisted to form a comprehensive committee to oversee the project.

4. Petition to Deputy Commissioner:

  • To escalate the matter and seek official intervention, a decision was made to submit a petition to the deputy commissioner highlighting the village’s mobile connectivity challenges.

Efforts are underway to address the mobile connectivity issues in Paduthonse village, with the formation of a dedicated committee and proactive steps being taken to find both short-term and long-term solutions. The collective endeavor aims to ensure uninterrupted mobile services for the welfare of the local community.

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