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Temporary Closure of Liquor Shops for Legislative Council Elections

Temporary Closure Of Liquor Shops For Legislative Council Elections

In light of the upcoming Karnataka Legislative Council elections scheduled for June 3 in various constituencies, including the Karnataka South West Graduate Constituency and South West Teachers Constituency, a temporary closure of all liquor shops in the district has been ordered.


Key Points:

1. Closure Period:

  • The closure of liquor shops will commence from 5 pm on June 1 and continue until midnight on June 3, coinciding with the duration of the elections.

2. Decision Authority:

  • The directive to close liquor shops has been issued by the district collector and district magistrate, Dr. K Vidyakumari. This action is taken under the provisions of Section 10(b) of the Karnataka Excise Act General Rules, 1967, and Section 135(c) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951.

3. Scope of Ban:

  • The ban encompasses the sale and supply of liquor across various establishments, including liquor depots, distilleries, star hotels, shendi shops, and clubs operating within the district.

This temporary closure aims to uphold the integrity and smooth conduct of the electoral process by mitigating potential disturbances related to the sale and consumption of alcohol during the election period.

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