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Asteroid Approaching Earth: NASA Monitors Close Encounter


Today, a high-speed asteroid is set to pass very close to Earth, approaching within 3,270,000 miles, according to NASA. Asteroids are rocky objects composed of metal, dust, and other materials that orbit the Sun, distinct from planets like Earth, Mars, and Venus. Most asteroids reside in the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars, estimated to number between 1 million and 1.9 million, as per NASA.

The asteroid in question measures approximately 77 feet in diameter and belongs to the Apollo group, categorized as a Near-Earth Object (NEO) for its proximity to our planet. NEOs are defined as asteroids that approach within 45 million kilometers of Earth. This particular asteroid travels at an astonishing speed of 10,094 kilometers per hour.

While such close approaches garner attention, NASA reassures that this asteroid and similar objects are not expected to alter their trajectories to impact Earth. However, gravitational interactions with large celestial bodies like planets can potentially change their paths; Jupiter, for instance, has influenced asteroid trajectories in the past.

NASA remains vigilant about these asteroids due to historical events, such as the theory that an asteroid impact, possibly redirected by Jupiter, led to the extinction of dinosaurs and facilitated the rise of mammals. Therefore, continuous monitoring of asteroids nearing Earth is crucial for planetary safety.

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