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Elon Musk Claims to Be an Alien, Insists “Nobody Believes” Him


Billionaire Elon Musk recently claimed that “nobody believes” him and that he is a “alien” at the Viva Tech conference in Paris. As the host asked him about reports that he was of extraterrestrial descent, the SpaceX and Tesla Chief chuckled and said, “I am an alien.” Yes, I frequently claim to be an alien, but no one finds me credible.” This occurred, notably, during a session called “Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Elon Musk But Were Afraid to Ask,” which took its cue from the title of a film starring Woody Allen. According to a report in Euronews, during his virtual speech, Mr. Musk mentioned that he couldn’t be present in person because he was attending his son’s graduation.


Discussing aliens on Earth, he continued, “People often ask me do I think aliens are on Earth, I have not seen any evidence of aliens. If I did, I would post it (the evidence) on the X platform.” He continued, “Maybe we’re alone in this galaxy, maybe it’s just us and our consciousness is extremely fragile.”

The SpaceX CEO also spoke about his company’s vision and his quest for life on Mars. “SpaceX’s long-term goal is to make life multi-planetary. We need to become a sustainable multi-planet civilisation. This is the first time in the history of the Earth when it is possible to do so. That capability might be only open for the short term,” he said.

He later stated, “Something on Earth will eliminate life as we know it on Earth,” and that “our long-term survival and consciousness” require a relocation to Mars and the Moon.

Questions concerning artificial intelligence (AI) and his business, XAI, were also posed to the billionaire. Criticising both OpenAI and Google’s Gemini, he said, “It’s important that AI is trained to be truthful and not to be politically correct. Political correctness is often simply not true, and that means you’re programming AI to lie, and I think that will backfire very badly. Honesty is the best policy.”

Mr Musk anticipates that his open-source GrokAI chatbot would “try its best to be rigorous and pursue the truth and be the funniest. If we are going to die, we might as well die laughing”. However, he noted that it still had “a lot of catching up” to do before competing with OpenAI or Gemini, which he said would be achievable by the end of the year.

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