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Woman Saved by Pet Dog from Attempted Suicide in Netravati River

Woman Saved By Pet Dog From Attempted Suicide In Netravati River

In a remarkable incident, a 36-year-old woman from Piligoodu was rescued from a suicide attempt in the Netravati River, thanks to her loyal pet dog. Distressed after a quarrel with her husband, she walked several kilometers to the river with the intent to end her life.

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Following her to the riverbank, the family dog grabbed onto her clothing and loudly barked as she prepared to jump, catching the attention of passers-by. Prompted by the dog’s persistent actions, two individuals on a bike rushed to the scene and successfully prevented the tragedy by pulling her away from the edge.

Originally from Bengaluru, the woman had relocated to Piligoodu after marriage. Constant quarrels with her husband, a local mechanic, had driven her to this drastic decision. Despite police efforts to reconcile, she opted to stay with a friend temporarily before returning to Bengaluru with her mother, leaving her children with her husband.

The courageous act of the pet dog has garnered widespread praise, highlighting the powerful bond and protective instincts animals can have towards their owners in critical moments.

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