The All India Football Federation (AIFF) has announced plans to host two charity football matches to support relief efforts in Kerala and Himachal Pradesh, both of which have recently faced severe natural disasters. The first match is tentatively set for August 30 in Manjeri, Kerala, where Kolkata’s Mohammedan Sporting Club will compete against a Super League Kerala XI.
A second charity match is proposed for September 2 in Lucknow, although the AIFF is still finalizing the participating clubs for this event. AIFF President Kalyan Chaubey praised Mohammedan Sporting for their immediate commitment to the cause, highlighting the power of sports to bring comfort and solidarity in times of crisis.
Kerala and Himachal Pradesh have been severely affected by natural calamities, including catastrophic landslides in Kerala’s Wayanad district on July 30, which caused significant loss of life and infrastructure damage.
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