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Bengaluru Couple Finds Cobra in Amazon Xbox Package


A Bengaluru couple was left stunned when they discovered a snake inside a package they had ordered online through the Amazon App last Sunday.


Both software engineers, the couple had placed an order for an Xbox controller but were taken aback to find a spectacled cobra nestled inside the package upon its arrival.

Fortunately, the venomous snake was securely trapped by the packaging tape and did not pose a threat. The couple promptly recorded a video of the incident and shared it on social media.

“We ordered an Xbox controller from Amazon two days ago and received a live snake in the package. The delivery partner handed the package directly to us (not left outside). We live on Sarjapur road and captured the entire incident on camera, with eyewitnesses present,” the customer recounted.

“Luckily, the snake was stuck to the packaging tape and did not harm anyone in our household or apartment. Despite the danger, Amazon’s customer support kept us waiting on hold for over 2 hours, leaving us to manage the situation ourselves in the middle of the night (proof of which is recorded in videos and photos),” she added.

The incident prompted questions about safety protocols and accountability. “We did get a full refund, but what compensation do we receive for risking our lives with a highly venomous snake? This is clearly a safety lapse due to Amazon’s negligence in transportation, warehousing hygiene, and supervision. Where is the accountability for such a serious oversight?” she questioned.

In response to the customer’s video, Amazon issued a tweet stating, “We regret the inconvenience caused with your Amazon order. We are looking into this matter. Please provide the necessary details here, and our team will update you shortly.”

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