Bengaluru, known for its unique social media trends like “peak Bengaluru moment,” has recently stirred up buzz with an automatic pani puri vending machine in HSR Layout. Operated by What The Flavours, this machine has captured attention for its clever design and functionality.
The vending machine, equipped with sensors and customized pipes, allows customers to select their preferred tamarind water flavor after the staff member prepares the puris with ingredients. This innovative setup has been hailed as futuristic, with one viral post exclaiming, “HSR is living in 2050.”
Despite its novelty, the machine has sparked mixed reactions online. While some users appreciated the innovation, others questioned its necessity and highlighted similar setups existing elsewhere in India. Critics raised concerns about the authenticity of food made by automation, emphasizing the importance of human involvement in food preparation.
The viral post, garnering over one lakh views, reflects Bengaluru’s tech-savvy culture and its penchant for blending innovation with everyday experiences. As discussions continue, the pani puri vending machine stands as a testament to the city’s evolving culinary landscape.