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Kunal Kamra Mocks Zomato CEO’s Guinness World Record Achievement


Zomato, led by Deepinder Goyal, recently achieved a Guinness World Records title for training over 4,000 delivery partners in roadside medical assistance. Goyal celebrated this feat on social media, thanking India’s “Emergency Heroes,” triggering diverse reactions, including a critical comment from comedian Kunal Kamra. Kamra reshared Goyal’s tweet, questioning the earnings and working hours of Zomato’s delivery partners, highlighting concerns over their welfare.


The original post received widespread praise, but Kamra’s critique sparked a debate on social media. Some users echoed his concerns about the treatment of delivery partners, emphasizing the need for transparency regarding their conditions.

Deepinder Goyal announced the achievement, breaking records for the “largest first aid lesson” at a single venue in Mumbai, where 4,300 delivery partners were trained. He acknowledged these partners as “Emergency Heroes of India,” underscoring their role in critical roadside situations.

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