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In Shoutout For Trump At Tesla Meet, Elon Musk Calls Him A Cybertruck Fan

Elon Musk

At Tesla’s annual meeting, Elon Musk shared that former President Donald Trump, a self-proclaimed fan of Tesla’s Cybertruck, often reaches out to him unexpectedly. Musk revealed this amid discussions at the company’s Austin headquarters, where he acknowledged Trump’s admiration for the Cybertruck and their recent interactions on various topics, including cryptocurrency policy.


Despite Trump’s prior skepticism about electric vehicles, his stance seems to have shifted, aligning more closely with Musk’s vision for the future of EVs. Musk noted Trump’s evolving perspective, mentioning that many of his acquaintances, including the former president, have embraced Tesla vehicles. He highlighted Trump’s enthusiasm for the Cybertruck as one of the reasons behind their rapport.

Additionally, Musk addressed concerns about his well-being, responding to questions about his physical and emotional health. He humorously acknowledged the need to prioritize self-care, jesting about the importance of avoiding any untoward incidents.

Overall, Musk’s remarks shed light on his interactions with Trump, showcasing a dynamic where political differences are bridged by shared interests and mutual respect.

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